Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dystopian Feelings

I had a flash the other day. I was just walking down the street, and I started thinking about the future. Not an individual future, not our destiny, I just randomly thought about what our world will probably be like in 43 years. There'll be around 9 billion people, with significantly less arable land and potable water due to our radically altered warming earth. The second derivative of the population growth and temperature increase curves will only zero when we approach the constraints of our environmental system. There's no reason to believe it won't be terribly violent. It could be peaceful - I hope for (and work for) peace - but our species has never shown that it can handle a change in a peaceful way, so there's little reason to expect it. Disease may be great. Technology could be stifled. Authoritarianism may become even more prevalent.

And then I crossed the street. I noticed a funny looking mutt, a golden chihuahuatrevier? I remembered the errand I was on.

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