Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summer again

Restart again! Tried to restart on that caffeinated day in spring, but had no real time. That is, until now! Summer is here. Yesterday I turned in keys. Everything for the next 10 weeks is just going to be chores. Sure I have tons to do, and I'll get to that in a moment, but free from the time constraints of having to be at the same place, at the same time, 5 days a week. This extra level of freedom should translate into more blogging posts, if I can maintain high levels of will power. That shouldn't be too difficult.

This summer, of course, I'm going to try to write that book. I still have it fleshed out and begun, I only need to commit to sitting down and writing, daily, prolifically.

Simultaneously I am going to try to buy a house in Oakland or Berkeley. The market is perfect for us, very low. We have capital. We have income. We have longevity. This is the time. This summer specifically.

Of course, that takes some precedence, so, conceivably I could end up putting off the book. We shall see.

Other high agenda items include reconnecting with family and getting back into yoga. Changing into club one kind of killed that in favor of lifting weights. I'm injured too much though, it seems, to not do yoga as well. However, I was injured a lot when I was doing tons of yoga too. Have to go more moderately and more often. That sounds like summer to me.

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