Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Test Run

This is the first entry of this blog, Horror Love Equilibrium Point. That ludicrous title came at me unexpectedly, but has to do with a world perception that I will discuss repeatedly in the future. I hadn't thought of a title, or really thought about the fact that a title would even be needed. Then, there I was, signing up on Blogger. It asked me for a title. "Gee," I thought to myself, "I h'ain't really thought o' one." (I think in conversational conjunctions.) "How'bout 'The Point of Equilibrium Between a Polar Dichotomy of the Realization of Unjust Worldly Acts and Personal Joy and Eudomonia?'" That was too long. Besides, isn't a 'Polar Dichotomy' redundant? Thus the shortened but atrocious title was born.

A note on style: I promise to strike a balance between using annoyingly obscure words like 'eudomonia' and speaking like a slurring gutter punk with a 3rd grade education. I'll link also, in case you love words too.

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